● 目的及び事業
- 漂流物等の航行障害物を除去するとともに海面の清掃整理を行うこと。
- 不法投棄等の防止及び啓蒙宣伝を行うこと。
- 公共団体より委託された事業を行うこと。
With everyone's help, we can clean up the port!
We are aiming to remove the garbage and driftwood from inside Kobe Port to allow ships to navigate safely as well as raise the level of sanitation within the port.
- Remove obstacles to ship navigation such as driftwood, as well as organizing a clean up of the sea's surface.
- Prevent such actions as unlawful dumping as well as carry out informative advertizing.
- Carry out projects entrusted from public organizations.